
Enemærke & Petersen a/s Case Study

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Enemærke & Petersen a/s

Located in Copenhagen and Aarhus, Denmark, E&P A/S is a construction company specializing in building renovation, construction and maintenance, primarily for local authorities and housing associations. The E&P A/S group includes the subsidiaries ‘Ringsted Construction’ and ‘E&P Service’. A solid experience as principal contractor supplemented with specific expertise in restoration and maintenance work means that E & P today can solve virtually all types of construction projects with a high degree of in-house production and full time workmen as a fundamental element.

Business Situation

With annual turnover of over DKK 1 billion and 125 full time employees, E&P wanted to simplify and streamline its billing process to its customers, which led the company to ExpandIT. The result: Each person invoices 20 % more than previously in addition to significant savings in administration, both of which improve EBIT directly.

Kurt Christensen is IT Manager at E&P and helped make the decision to change the company to ExpandIT Mobile, a fully digital invoicing solution for Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Before ExpandIT Mobile was implemented, we had a long and resource-intensive billing workflow. Foremen on site filed their time and material consumption with pencil and paper, which was then given to our accounting department, who typed it all into Dynamics AX, and only then did we receive the invoice and an overview of consumption.


Before E&P Services selected ExpandIT as a partner for its new system, the company had scanned the market for other potential suppliers. The choice ultimately fell on ExpandIT, because the solution it offered included a better and easier user interface, both for workmen and for the administrative staff. In addition, E&P especially appreciated the high degree of flexibility of the software and the close dialogue with ExpandIT during the project, which has meant that a number of major changes have been implemented smoothly during the implementation period.

Cooperation with ExpandIT has been good and constructive throughout. They have been very open to customizations to match our business needs, and the challenges we’ve had along the way have been resolved quickly and with humor. Dynamics AX and ExpandIT Mobile fit each other perfectly because both solutions have open application code.

ExpandIT Mobile enables journeymen to key relevant data into a central system from their own PC in the square so that the invoices can be generated immediately. Administration acts only as a control function, which results in a significantly faster and more efficient process from work performed for final billing


The ExpandIT solution has now been in operation for just over eight months, and E&P Service has no doubt that both time and money were well spent. The clearest and most tangible benefits of the solution from ExpandIT, according to Kurt Christensen, include:

  • Billing ratio and earnings of relevant tasks increased by more than 20 %
  • Greatly reduced the time from job completion to billing
  • Complete visibility of time and material consumption, resulting in enhanced planning capacity
  • Significantly reduce errors and omissions on invoices to the customer

With the new solution, E&P now top the industry when it comes to billing speed and accuracy, and it’s something that can be felt – both on the bottom line and in the daily work.

Because E&P Service was satisfied with both the cooperation and the final solution, the planning process for the next project with ExpandIT is already under way. This project will be a GPS tracking system that, once installed in all company cars, will optimize the planning process for technicians or workmen.

We have already achieved all the goals we set ourselves with the change to a digital solution from ExpandIT: Faster billing, better planning, higher earnings, and improved cash flow. In addition, we have seen that the foremen now feel they are in control, and we’ve received a lot of positive publicity in the industry,

Kurt Christensen, IT Manager at E&P.